Power, Shame, and Whiteness: Becoming a Better Ally
Time is TBD based on participants
|Online via Google Meet
One of the most powerful openings for transformation offered to White allies is to 'do our own work.' As interest and timing allows, this virtual group provides a structured and facilitated space to work through our own 'stuff' around identity, power, and shame.

Time & Location
Time is TBD based on participants
Online via Google Meet
About the event
Whether the idea of being an intersectional White Ally has been edging at your practice for years, or you are just blossoming into awareness of the structural inequities as the global pandemic creates stark awareness of the conditions facing people of color and other marginalized communities, it can be overwhelming and uncertain figuring out where to go with a desire to be a better ally.
This is a reoccuring closed group experience offered based on interest to White health/mental health professionals, volunteers, and advocates. Utilizing a somatic approach to exploring our narratives and experiences, we support each other with the emotions and responses that are common when traveling this landscape, develop tools for managing our own responses when challenged or invited to step into intersectional spaces in an informed and centered way, and move the burden of education, awareness, and growth where it belongs: in our communities and cultures.
RSVPing for this will put you in contact with the facilitator to discuss further and arrange time options. Ideal group sizes are between 5 and 10 at a time, and run between an hour and two hours, for 3-4 sessions.